【同义词辨析】 2020-08-04 艰难difficulty-vicissitude

difficulty: can apply to any condition, situation, experience, or task which presents a problem hard to solve or seemingly beyond one's ability to suffer or surmount: they were determined to succeed, they met and solved each ~ as it arose.       problem问题applies to any question or difficulty calling for a solution or causing concern泛指需要关注解决的问题困难,如the problems created by high technology高技术带来的问题,可见problem和difficulty互释

hardship: stresses extreme suffering, toil, or privation but does not necessarily imply either effort to overcome or patience in enduring: faced many ~s that long, hard winter.   privation贫困implies a lack of the basic things that people need for living缺乏基本生活资料如衣物粮食,如they endured five years of privation during the second world war二战忍受了5年贫困生活  suffer表示遭受折磨煎熬,和后两个词意思接近

rigor: suggests a hardship necessarily imposed upon one by, for example, an austere religion, a trying climate, or an exacting undertaking: endured the ~s of a rite of initiation.       necessarily不可避免的,必然cannot be avoided,如the number of places available is necessarily limited名额必然(不可避免地)有限,如the most desirable properties necessarily command astonishingly high prices最值得拥有的财产必然要价不菲             austere苦行的allowing no pleasure or comfort,如宗教、风格   trying困难的difficult,如trying times/climate困难时刻/恶劣天气   exacting要求高的demanding hard work and care,如exacting work/man/undertaking艰巨的工作/要求严格的/艰巨事业

vicissitude: applies to an inevitable difficulty or hardship that occurs in connection with life or a way of life, a career, or a course of action: the ~s of life left them tired, bitter, and alone.  vicissitude强调change变故,但原文没有体现       俞老师好像喜欢这个词,在红包书里有这个例句the vicissitudes of life人生的枯荣沉浮,也挺喜欢          

difficulty困难: 泛指任何以克服的问题,hardship艰难辛苦: 强调遭受劳苦贫困,rigor严苛严酷: 指必然(不可避免)的艰难,如因宗教气候事业 ,vicissitude变迁沉浮兴衰枯荣: 指生命难免变故等困难,

记忆方法: 1)首字母DHRV,把V反过来,就成了HARD<==艰难   "艰"从堇艮声,本义是灾难,引申为困难。"堇"是旱灾,""是转身: 面对严重旱灾人们只有转身离去,即本义灾难(土地难耕),引申为极大的困难,如如艰难艰辛艰困举步维艰艰深晦涩     "难"本义也是灾难,由堇隹组成,堇表示灾难,"隹"表示和鸟有关,和堇艮简化成艰一样,堇隹简化成难,引申为不容易、困难。   "辛"是"身心劳苦",起源有多种说法,有说刑具,有说树枝做成的代表奴隶身份的帽子,有说押运犯人的工具,都表示"身心劳苦",后也指味道刺激

        2)艰难的意思是严重阻碍mean something obstructing one's course and demanding effort and endurance if one's end is to be attained.